Unfortunately, 30th February 2022, was booked back on 25th February 2021, but sadly a Christening booking had been missed by the management of our new club. Of course with all the dreadful coronavirus and the rules they had to deal with, we had no choice, but to ask Bridget Palser and Peter Rudeforth to cancel. Everyone concerned at the club was very apologetic We have rebooked later in the year. Of course it couldn’t have happened at a sadder time for us all. We wanted to give our biggest send off to Barry. We have all been in such a dreadful place these last two and half years – so many painful losses, both personal and public, aye. We will never recover, I’m sure, but I intend making the rest of my time that I might have left, enjoy all of the wonderful music all you magical people have given to me – If I have 10 minutes or ten years left – Barry was definitely one of those magical people I was proud to count as knowing.
I will update with how this progressed.