Keith and I enjoyed seeing everyone who turned up to show their appreciation of ‘Tim Huskisson & Friends’. They were rewarded with a lovely afternoon of happy music.

Tim Huskisson (clarinet), Peter Rudeforth (trumpet) and Roger Curphy (dbl bass) plus uncaptured – Chris Gower (trmbn), Paul Seal (gtr/bnjo) & Rod Brown (drms) with ‘Tim Huskisson’s Friends’ at Farnborough JC Sunday afternoon 1May2022. Photo by Alan Walker
(work in progress – Photos to follow by Alan Walker) I am confident that more of you would have joined us, if it hadn’t been for the fact that Sunday was Mayday Weekend and that you had made family dates. But more so, for the fact that we were out of action for two weeks at home. The underground Cable providing us with Wi-Fi, was eventually found to be perished. Virgin did a brilliant job replacing it, although it’s not perfect yet – still not problem-free. It was actually 35yr’s ago that it was provided by Nynex. When one thinks, it lasted pretty well, but no wonder it caused me so much trouble over these recent years. It came to my knowledge just yesterday, that since September 2021, several of you had not received my emails, telling you when, where and who was on. You needed to know which Sunday in particular. There I was, needlessly worrying that you were being irritated by my sending too many emails!
Anyway, back to you, Tim, Peter, Chris, Paul, Rod and Roger, thank you for giving us so much fun with your talent. It’s got to have been absolutely dreadful for you not being able to play in front of an audience during those last two+ Covid years, as it was for us too. It was such a long time, wasn’t it. Thank goodness we are through all the worst of it. Many of you are still afraid to come out, but it will do you all the world of good (especially all who have had their inoculations), to get back to normality. Music is so good for the soul and will bring back our ‘youth’. Many clubs have sadly closed, but many have like us, although cannot afford to, are trying to shouldered our losses. Our wonderfully talented musicians have also taken the drop in money and play for long hours, cope with travel costs both ways and because of less places open, sometimes go days without earning anything too, Some musicians have given up (on their years of learning) and doing other things, which is a great loss to the world. Things look pretty miserable for everyone at the moment, but with a little bit of extra support by all of us collectively, they will survive and we can all enjoy ourselves. We have all lost family and friends throughout this and I, from past experience, survived through music and laughter.
If you make it out to Farnborough, I promise not to kiss you (unless you two want to!). By the way, one little bit more info, A sense of humour goes a long way to making you feel better. too.
About last Sunday, Keith and I were taken aback, when they played our tune (which many of you know about). We shouldn’t have been so surprised, because Tim and Peter learnt and played it with Bob Dwyer in own band (Bob previously learnt it for me to sing to). The song being ‘Nice to Know you Care’, a No: 1 hit in the 50’s, written by our ol’ friend Lesley Baguley (see tribute Page above about him). The only trouble, Keith was unable to dance – dodgy leg – lack of dancing for such a long time – maybe next time!
Our own afternoon carried on till much later than 5:00pm (as you can guess). Just a little story to finish. What makes me believe jazz will carry on till long after we have ‘gone’! First of all, advertisers are using jazz, I know, probably not having to pay copy-rite, much enjoyed by football crowds. But secondly, this little story for you. Keith and I sit enjoying a drink (or three) with a DVD playing. A young couple plus their 3½yr old son, arrived at the club, visiting their dad. The little lad began dancing to our music. Oh, he was amazing, such a natural talent a star already. He just ‘performed’ and didn’t want to stop. The DVD was ‘Temperance Seven’ (with another dear friend of ours, Mac White , paying clarinet). Apparently, this little lad enjoyed music, according to his parents, not with this enthusiasm. I hope they comes back (as they said), maybe I will ask mum if she will let us put the little bit of videoing she did, copy it and be able to published here.
Now I know you were unaware, we were Every third and third Sunday, we can now look forward to seeing you up and dancing here to the Golden Eagle Jazz Band, Sunday, 15th May Sunday.
Keep music ‘Live’ – especially Jazz.
Cheers from Diane and Keith.
………..Pete Rudeforth returns 3july2022 with ‘Barry Palser’s Savoy Jazz’