MIKE BARRY is about to give us all a fabulous treat with the ‘birth’ of his latest band, and he’s calling it ‘MIKE BARRY’S SWINGING DIXIES’. You really shouldn’t miss it – this Friday, 8th November 2019. Band leader and trumpeter MIKE has put together the following swinging musicians, namely reed player, GOFF DUBBER, trombonist & singer MIKE HOLT and pianist GRAHAM BARTON, plus double bassist ANDY LAURENCE and drummer JOHN TYSON. Together, they will make brilliant music for you to ‘swing’ your hearts away to. What a fabulous sound they are bound to make. Mike tells me to look out for a special tune – third song in the second set. It is a tune he doesn’t think bands play today, but was a tune played big time in the ‘swinging’ era. He also tells me to bring my dancing shoes, so I’m passing that message onto all of you. Come on, get down to the club on Friday, or – as a dear friend used to say to everyone, after a great evening – “boy, did you miss a night”. So, for £10 entrance, a bit more for use at our club-priced bar and even if you don’t dance, wear some comfortable shoes, so you can tap away all evening to the music. How’s that for excitement. Join us, your hosts Diane and Keith. Make it a great success to show Mike, his enthusiastic efforts have been well worthwhile. Phew, did I write that? Di xx

Mike Barry’s Swinging Dixies at Farnborough Jazz Club 8nov2019 Mike (tmpt), Goff Dubber (reeds), Mike Holt (trmb), Graham Barton (piano), Andy Laurence (bs), John Tyson (drms), Photo by Alan Walker

Mike Barry’s Uptown Gang at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent taken 17 August 2018. ‘Whispering Mike’ Holt (trombone), Mike Barry (trumpet) & Goff Dubber (clarinet). Photo by Alan Walker