Category Archives: Storyville Jassband (Holland)

Storyville Jassband from Holland, Friday 28th April 2017





               Storyville Jassband from Holland 2017,

STORYVILLE JASSBAND from HOLLAND, who gave us a wonderful evening back in August 2015 are on tour and back here again this FRIDAY, 28th APRIL 2017 at our FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB.  The band members are MICHEL MULLER (trumpet/vocals), HENK VAN DE VEN (clarinet), PETER DOBBE (trombone/ guitar/vocals), HENK VAN MULLIGEN (banjo), HEIN VAN ROOIJEN (double bass) and STEF GEURTS (drums).  It will be Michel’s first time of playing here at Farnborough, but Stef was here before with the Limehouse Jazz Band back in 2014.  I’m looking forward to seeing them again, if you read my newsletter about their evening here in August 2015, you will see I tell of them bringing the ‘house down’.  I said how their band leader for 40years, Ruud Nieuwenhuijzen, was ill with ALS (cannot eat or speak, except through a computer).  He was in the audience with his wife and friends.  I am so extremely saddened to learn that he died in July 2016.  So I should like you all to join us on Friday to give the band a happy welcome and let them know we intend to give them a good time!

Diane and Keith

ALS, or amyotrophic laterals sclerosis, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. A-myo-trophic comes from the Greek language. “A” means no. “Myo” refers to muscle, and “Trophic” means nourishment – “No muscle nourishment.

Storyville Jassband (from Holland), 28th August 2015

STORYVILLE JASSBAND from Holland gave us a wonderful evening on 28th August 2015 at our Farnborough Jazz Club.  Last time they were here, they ‘brought the house down’.  That was back in April 2013.  This Friday, was every bit as good.  Their leader and cornet player then, was Ruud Nieuwenhuijzen.  Unfortunately he is ill with ALS and is unable to play with the band from now on.  This brilliant optimist, his wife Paula and two friends were at the gig, to support the band.   Ruud is a fantastic man and replaced himself – most would have done so with a lesser player – ha, but not him – he found a great cornet player, namely PETER VAN DE GEIJN.  Peter was joined by HENK VAN DE VEN on clarinet, PETER DOBBE on trombone, vocals & guitar, BERRY SCHUURING on drums, HEIN VAN ROOIJEN on double bass and HENK VAN MULLIGEN on banjo & guitar.

Storeyville Jazz Band from Holland with Henk Van De Ven (clarinet), Peter Van De GeIin (cornet) & Peter Dobbe (trombone) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Storyville Jassband from Holland with Henk Van De Ven (clarinet), Peter Van De GeIin (cornet) & Peter Dobbe (trombone) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Storeyville JB, PETER DOBBE (trombone) & HEIN VAN ROOIJEN (double bass) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK 28aug2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Storyville Jassband, PETER DOBBE (trombone) & HEIN VAN ROOIJEN (double bass) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK 28aug2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

It certainly was another top quality treat for you.  I was having such a great time myself, so again I had trouble writing my notes – but here goes.  My first note is of the Gershwin boys number, ‘The Man I Love’, featuring Peter (D) on trombone – fabulous.

Storeyville Jazz Band from Holland with Henk Van De Ven (clarinet) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Storyville Jassband from Holland with Henk Van De Ven (clarinet) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Followed on with another feature for Henk on clarinet, called ‘Summer Set’ (the  number Acker Bilk wrote for his daughter).  Next, I jotted down Henk’s performance of Django Reinhardt’s ‘Nuage’, a hard act to follow, but Peter (D) managed easily, singing ‘Doin’ the New Low-Down’, vocally backed by all of them (what singing – great).  ‘Why Should I Hesitate’ was brilliant with Peter (Van D.G) playing Louis Armstrong style, plus Peter (D) again singing – what a lovely number.  We enjoyed our Charleston-style line-dance when they played ‘St. Philip Street Breakdown’.

Storeyville Jazz Band, HENK VAN MULLIGEN (banjo) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK 28Aug2015. Photo by Mike Witt

Storyville Jassband, HENK VAN MULLIGEN (banjo) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK 28Aug2015.  Photo by Mike Witt.

Storeyville Jazz Band from Holland with BERRY SCHUURING (drums) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Storyville Jassband from Holland with BERRY SCHUURING (drums) at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent UK on 28th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Then we had a real treat watching a lovely couple (Jane and Alan) who are fantastic dancers, visiting from the Hastings 1066 Jazz club.  They danced to the band’s brilliant performance of ‘Running Wild’.  Berry gave a super drum solo (yes, Jane and Alan kept up with him too).  Their last number was spectacular as it involved three numbers in one!  (I had a hard job writing the names down as was busy dancing, but Ruud has since helped me with them).  The first piece was ‘Joseph, Joseph’ (with Henk Ven leading on clarinet), the second piece was Edith Piaf’s ‘Padam padam’ and third piece was Kenny Ball’s ‘I Still Love You All’.  Very impressive and certainly completed a fabulous evening with a great bunch of guys from Holland.  We hope they will be back to us another year.   Meanwhile, our very best wishes and love go to Ruud and Paula.  ‘Keep your peckers up’.

Cover for CD of Storeyville Jassband's 2011 UK Tour with Ruud Nieuwenhuijzen (trumpet & Leader)

Cover for CD of Storyville Jassband’s 2011 UK Tour with (center) Ruud Nieuwenhuijzen (trumpet & Leader)

Your hosts

Diane and Keith

‘Doin’ the New Low-Down’ – (m) Jimmy McHugh, (l) Dorothy Fields (1928)
‘Hesitating Blues (Why Should I Hesitate)’ – W.C. Handy (1915)
‘I Still Love You All’ – Don Raye, Norbet Glanzberg (1961)
‘Joseph, Joseph’ – (m) Samual Steinberg, (l) Nellie Casman (1923) & (l Eng) Sammy Cahn & Saul Chaplin (1938)
‘Nuage’ – Django Reinhardt (1940)
‘Padam padam’ – (m) Norbet Glanzberg, (l) Henri Contet (l Eng Mann Holiner Alberta Nichols (1951)
‘Running Wild’ – (m) A. Harrington Gibbs, (l) Joe Grey & Leo Woods (1922)
‘St. Philip Street Breakdown’ – George Lewis (1944)
‘Summer Set’ – Acker Bilk & Dave Collett (1956)
‘The Man I Love’ – (m) George Gershwin, (l) Ira Gershwin (1924)