Tony Pitt’s All Stars (Tony on banjo) at Keith’s special birthday, Farnborough Jazz Club 14th August 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
We at FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB (Kent) take tremendous pleasure in telling you we have the very talented TONY PITT’S ALL STARS back again and appearing this FRIDAY, 26th MAY 2017. Band leader TONY (banjoist) has SIMON NELSON (cornet & vocals), DAVE HEWITT (trombone) and AL NICHOLLS (soprano & tenor sax), plus ANDY LAWRENCE (double bass) and JOHN ELLMER (drums). Simon is new to Farnborough, so I looked him up to learn what I could about him and found a write-up about him, having guested with the band ‘Stars of British Jazz’ (www.starsofbritishjazz.com/guest-artistes.html). Anyway, if you read last October 28th’s newsletter, then you are sure to have enjoyed that evening and will be back again for more of this professional and fun-loving entertainment too. If you didn’t make it that night, be sure not to miss this one. We would like a sell-out to show these great stars we love them. See you for 8:00clock start.
Your hosts for this ‘live jazz’
Diane and Keith
P.S. Another reminder for you, once again, it is this Sunday, 3:00pm-6:00pm, 28th May 2017 that ‘4-In-A-Bar+1’, who play ‘smooth Dinner Jazz’, are appearing again at Ye Olde Whyte Lyon, Locks Bottom, Kent. We have a change of musicians (for May and June) and will be John Lee (tenor), Dave Barnes (piano), Tim Pharoah (double bass), with Keith Grant (drums) and Diane, singing a few songs. (Always the last Sunday of each month). Why not book a roast lunch (tel: 01689-852631) served between 12:00 & 5:00pm.