Keith came home late last night from the party , as he puts it, ‘happy’, telling me (as I was sure would be the case), you all came out of the woodwork. Thank you for making it such a successful evening. I am sad to have missed everyone. (Keith left home starting to feel ‘sneezy’ but his ‘doc’ came from behind the bar, served by Cath & Babs) , He told me you all made an effort with your food and candelabras – some dressing up in ‘gnome’ outfits. I hear Barry announced after the session they had played so many Christmas Carols, but neglected to play ‘Shingle Bells’. I was so ‘grumpy’ to have missed it all. Keith’s remark to me was the evening was so successful, that he is going to put up a Christmas tree every week – he’s not ‘bashful’ about it – ha ha (or should that be ho ho ho). He was ‘sleepy’ and so I had to wait for this morning to hear the rest. So now, I must wish you all a ‘Merry’ Christmas and a very Healthy New Year. (pics to follow curtesy of Mike and Alan and anyone else who wants to pass some onto me – thanks). Luv (as my brother-in-law calls me) ‘Dopey’ Di xxx
We have booked ‘BARRY PALSER’S SUPER SIX’ for your entertainment at our 2018 CHRISTMASPARTY, tomorrow – Friday 21st December, here at our FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB (Kent). Yes, what a line-up Barry has in store for you too. He has non-other than PETE RUDEFORTH playing trumpet, TIM HUSKISSON on reeds, BARRY himself plays trombone, with ANDY LAWRENCE on bass, JOHN TYSON on drums and JIM DOUGLAS on banjo. I’d call that ‘BARRY’S ABSOLUTELY SUPER SIX’. Oh! I am so fed up, because for the second week running, I am unlikely to be there to enjoy myself with you. As I said last week, I have shingles and although I have been told by the Doctors, shingles is not contagious, I’m still feeling rough. Anyway, the charge to come to this always enjoyable party event, is only £15. You can enjoy plenty of dancing, a Shepherd Neame ‘club price’ bar and bring your own food and candelabras, There is plenty of free parking AND you wont have to pay a forfeit at the door! Cos I won’t be there. We have a bigger raffle than usual, including a limited edition print of one of Keith’s lovely jazz paintings. It is sure to be busy, so be patient with Keith and help him as much as possible please. Just in-case I’m not there, I wish you all a ‘Merry’ Christmas and a Healthy New Year. One last thing, thank you all for making the celebration of Colin Dobson’s Life last week, the fun Colin would have loved. Much Luv Di and my ‘bar humbug’ Keith.
Barry Palser’s Super Six at Farnborough Jazz Club, with Barry (trombone), John Crocker (reeds), Pete Rudeforth (trumpet), Tony Pitt (banjo), Andy Laurence (double bass) and John Tyson (drums) on 11sep2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
Please remember we will be closed on 29th December and the whole of January, but you can catch up with Keith and me at YE OLDE WHYTE LYON for our ‘4-IN-A-BAR+1’ on 30th December and 27th January (3pm till 6pm). You are seeing TIM HUSKISSON on reeds tomorrow (21st Dec), but he plays wonderful piano on these dates, plus KEITH playing drums and (a lot of you know) JOHN LEE on tenor sax and ROGER CURPHEY on double bass, plus I’m +1 singing a few songs.
We shall return 1st February with Mardi Gras Jazzband