Never a boring moment with ‘LAURIE CHESCOE’S REUNION BAND’, they always entertain us with some great choices of songs. Friday, 3rd July 2015 was no exception here at the FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB. The musicians with drummer LAURIE, were ALLAN (‘Lord Arsenal’) BRADLEY on trumpet, piano & vocals, JOHN LEE on reeds,COLIN BRAY on piano & sax, JIM DOUGLAS on banjo & guitar and PETER SKIVINGTON on bass guitar & bass ukulele. JACKIE FREE was on trombone, who kindly stepped in at the last minute, for Mike Pointon. I think it is the first time Jackie has played here and what a super player he is. Aren’t you lucky to find a club like this, so you can always enjoy listening to the best of traditional jazz, plus enjoy dancing too.

Another great picture of smiling Laurie Chescoe with his Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on 3rd July2015 (John Lee bottom right). Photo by Mike Witt.

Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on 3rd July 2015. (LtoR) Jim Douglas (guitar), Jackie Free (trmb), Allan (‘Lord Arsenal’) Bradley (trmp) and John Lee (tenor sax). Photo by Mike Witt.
They began with a pretty great up-tempo number, ‘Chicago (That Toddlin’ Town)’, with Jackie singing (sorry to gush, but he is also a marvellous singer), not forgetting Laurie’s wonderful drumming and with his infectious smile too. I am usually busy at the start, but managed to have a dance straight off. We knew we were in for some fun, for sure. They featured Jackie in the next number, ‘Here’s That Rainy Day’, really lovely.
The mood changed for the next number, with Allan singing ‘I Scream, You Scream Ice Cream, jointly sung by audience and obviously such fun, that number. What an ‘engine’ too.

Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, on 3rd july 2015. (LtoR) Colin Bray (piano &alto sax) Jackie Free (tromb), (hidden) Jim Douglas (bnjo&guitar), Laurie Chescoe (drums), Allan (‘Lord Arsenal’) Bradley (trumpet &piano), Peter Skivington (bass guitar/bass ukelele), John Lee (clnt/tenor sax). Photo by Mike Witt.

Colin Bray (pianist) plays alto sax with Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent, UK on 3rd July 2015. Photo by Krystof Jelinek (from the Czech Republic)
Next, Colin left the piano and played alto sax to ‘Roses of Picardy’, with Allan taking over on piano (Oh the talent that is around!). As per usual, Colin came out with a joke, in his usual extremely dry humoured wit. No, I won’t tell you what the joke was – I’ll leave that to Colin, for his next audience. [Just a little added info for you, it was recorded for the soundtrack of ‘Downton Abbey].

Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on 3rd July 2015. What an ‘engine’ aye?(LtoR) Colin Bray (Piano), Jim Douglas (banjo)), Laurie Chescoe (drums) and Pete Skivington (bass ukulele). Photo by Mike Witt.

Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on 3rd July 2015. Colin Bray plays wonderful piano, with Jim Douglas accompanying him on guitar. Photo by Mike Witt.

Peter Skivington (bass ukulele) and John Lee (tenor sax) playing with Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club on 3rd July 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
John was featured next on tenor sax, with Pete playing bass Ukulele. They played Al Johnson’s ‘Avalon’. What a fabulous sax player he is. I must mention John again, when they played ‘Basin Street’ his clarinet was especially good.

John Lee on clarinet with Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on 3rd July 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
‘(Fall In Love) Says My Heart’ was a number we danced our line-dance to, fabulous (a Fox Trot actually). Then I recall Jim’s solo with ‘Body & Soul’. He really is a star. Well they all are, especially when Allan sang ‘Sunshine & Showers’. What a lovely job he also makes of singing.

Krystof Jelinek (from the Czech Republic) plays Straus for us (whilst Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band took a break) at Farnborough Jazz Club (here in England) on 3rd July 2015. Photo by Jana (also from the Czech Republic).
A friend of mine (Patricia) brought a lovely young couple, Jana and Krystof Jelinek to the club. They were visiting her from the Czech Republic. Jana is an interpreter for N.A.T.O. and Krystof is a music teacher. He plays piano brilliantly, especially Straus, his favourite composer. Colin kindly allowed the use of his piano, so Krystof was able to play some Straus for us, during our first interval. His first piece was ‘Voices of Spring’ and the second was ‘Morning Papers’. How beautifully he played and was such a delightful change. Thank you Krystof. I believe they are planning to make a return visit to England next year, so hopefully he will again give us a treat.

Diane & Keith Grant, promoters of Farnborough Jazz Club,Kent, UK, 3rd July 2015 with Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band. Photo by Krystof Jelinek (from the Czech Republic).

Laurie Chescoe’s Reunion Jazz Band at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent, UK on 3rd July 2015. Seen here – Janu (from the Czech Republic) and Patricia (right). Photo by Krystof Jelinek (also from the Czech Republic)
Your hosts, Diane & Keith
‘Aint Misbehaving – (m) Thomas ‘Fats’ Waller & Harry Brooks, (l) Andy Razaf (1929)
‘Avalon’ – (m&l) Al Jolson, Vincent Rose & Buddy DeSylva (1920)
‘Body & Soul’ – (m) Johnny Green, (l) Edward Heyman, Robert Sour & Frank Eyton (1930)
‘Chicago (That Toddlin’ Town)’ – Fred Fisher (1922)
‘Here’s That Rainy Day’ – (m) Jimmy Van Heusen, (l) Johnny Burke (1953)
‘I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream’ – Howard Johnson, Billy Moll & Robert King (1927)
‘Roses of Picardy’ – (m) Haydn Wood, (l) Frederick Weatherly (1916)
‘Says My heart’ – (m) Burton Lane, (l) Frank Loesser (1930)
‘The Clouds Will Soon Roll By’ – Harry Woods & George Brown (1932)
‘Voices of Spring’ (Op.410) (1882) and ‘Morning Papers’ Op.279 (1862) both by Johann Strauss II