‘BOB DWYER’S BIX & PIECES’ 7pce band gave us a fabulous Christmas party at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on Friday, 18th December 2015. It was our last celebration of the year and beforehand, I mentioned we would have a special surprise guest star for you, a rare occasion, whom I said was not to be missed. Well, that surprise was Santa Claus himself. He was lovely too. Well, he wasn’t tired, because he had a whole week before his busy time, bless him. Thank you Santa, for stopping by.

Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough Jazz Club’s Xmas Party,18th December 2015. Photo by Mike Witt (glad to have you back).
Band leader, BOB (trombonist & vocalist) was to be joined by MAX EMMONS, but Max was still unwell (hope you get well soon, Max).

Andy Woon, trumpet & Bob (trombone) in Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough Jazz Club’s Xmas Party 18th December 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
However, Bob managed to get us another treat, namely ANDY WOON on trumpet. Take a moment to listen and read about him (see contacts below). BERNIE HOLDEN was on clarinet & alto sax, with JOHN BAYNE on double bass & bass sax, HUGH CROZIER on piano & vocals, DAVE PRICE on banjo & guitar and JOHN ELLMER on drums, all brilliant, as usual.

Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough JC’s Xmas Party 18th December 2015. LtoR Andy Woon (trumpet), Bernie Holden (sax), John Ellmer (drums) & John Bayne (d.bass). Photo by Mike Witt.

Hugh Crozier (piano) with Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough Jazz Club’s Xmas Party 18th December 2015. Photo by Mike Witt

John Bayne, bass sax Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough Jazz Club’s Xmas Party 18th December 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.

Dave Price (banjo&guitar) with Bob Dwyer’s Bix & Pieces at Farnborough Jazz Club’s Xmas Party,18th December 2015. Photo by Mike Witt.
We certainly did have lots of fun, letting our hair down, and yes, smiles and laughter coming out of the rafters, I said before hand, it was to be the order of the day, although no one needed to be forced. We enjoyed a couple of line-dances, plus a brolly parade (thanks to Steve). Of course I had told everyone to bring their own food and candelabras and that gave me a chance to enjoy the evening too. I was too busy dancing, I’m afraid I made no notes of what was played, or any little tit bits of what the band got up to, which makes for good reading. However, I must mention (for my own memory) is what Keith got up to! Having had two falls recently (October, to be precise – we both had two falls, for that matter), he had been unable to dance and hadn’t done for a long, long time. So when they played ‘Change Partners and Dance with Me’, I was shocked to the core, when he asked for a dance. Not only that, but he danced ‘Fred Astaire fashion’. I felt sure he was going to do something funny and I would end up on the floor in a heap, but no! He has been watching too much ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. What a night for me to remember. He certainly is an entertainer. (he’s just said “thanks for telling me, I cant remember it”! Before I wrap this up, I must thank everyone in the band for doing such a brilliant job and especially a big ‘thank you’ to Andy Woon for giving his all, at a venue he has never played at – we hope you come again. Now to all our wonderful audience, most of whom are huge regulars, a great big ‘thank you’ from Keith and me for your support throughout. Plus finally, a special thanks to Ian (President of Sports Club), who does so much for us – unlocking and locking up for us and well as bar (thanks for Xmas decorations too). Also bar staff Val, Cathy, Barb and Harry for serving with smiles.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas everyone. See you next year. We shall re-start on 8th January 2016 with the Golden Eagle Jazz Band
From Your hosts, Diane & Keith
‘Change Partners and Dance with Me’ – (m&l) Irving Berlin (1937)