Monthly Archives: October 2013

Jubilee Jazz Band 25/10/2013

JUBILEE JAZZ BAND played for us on Friday, 25th October 2013 here at FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB.   The guys in the band were KEN REESE (trumpet), BARRY PALSER (trombone), JOHN LEE (reeds), HUGH CROZIER (piano), GERRY INGRAMS (double bass) and DOUG HIGGINS (drums).  Many of our audience were missing, having gone away to a jazz weekend.  Fortunately, a few ‘not so regulars’ turned up.  Keith and I have often thought one day, you will all turn up together and we will have to turn some of you away – only joking!  The wonderful thing was we had a guest artist.  None-other than the lovely jazz singer, MARY WILKINSON.  We have known Mary for best part of twenty five years (her husband, Mick has played in a couple of bands with Keith, including Keith’s own band ‘The KGB’).  All the band were playing well and the first number I jotted down was Barry singing ‘I Can’t Believe that You’re In Love With Me’.  Next was a great ‘Bix’ Beiderbecke number called ‘From Monday On’, sung by Hugh.   Barry told us the next two numbers were known for different names.  ‘Apex Blues’ (a jaunty little number) was also known as ‘Wibbly Wobbly Blues’ and a number I just love, ‘Fidgety Feet’, was originally called ‘War Cloud’.  Don’t you just love Barry’s little extra bits of information?  Hugh had a feature on piano with a beautiful tune from the film ‘The Great Zeigfeld’ called ‘You’, he is a brilliant pianist.  Then Hugh sang a marvellous duet with Mary, with a Bessie Smith number called ‘Oh! Daddy Blues’.  Mary then sang with the band to the next number, ‘It’s A Sin To Tell A Lie’, (a song originally by Fats Waller, also of Billie Holiday).  Mary does sing a lot of Bessie Smith songs, so we all think of her voice being Bessie’s type, but Mary has her own unique voice and can sing any song beautifully (especially her cheeky songs too).    I filmed the next three numbers.  One, sung by Barry, was another ‘Bix’ number called ‘Louisiana’.  Mary sang a couple of great blues number called ‘Organ Grinder Blues’ (original singer Eva Taylor) and ‘Down Hearted Blues’.  It was great to have captured Mary’s singing on film, but I was disappointed you couldn’t see her too clearly, being too dark.  I have been too busy (as usual), but with a bit of luck, I will be purchasing ‘the real McCoy’ video camera, so hopefully will be able to put some good videos on this website.  Meanwhile, I can’t even send my films by email to the bands to check if they like them enough to allow them to be published here!  It seems they are too big to send!  Technology! Who’d have it?  Seriously, I will get it right soon, but here it comes, my usual remark- hmmm!  Well at least with technology, you can look up numbers on the internet, listen to them and remind yourselves.  I don’t know about you, but I cannot remember names of songs (jazz, or otherwise) until they start playing.  No! I’m not getting old!


Diane & Keith

‘I Can’t Believe that You’re In Love With Me’ – (m) Clarence Gaskill (l) Jimmy McHugh (1925)
‘From Monday On’ – (m) Harry Barris, (l) Bing Crosby (1928)
‘Apex Blues’ – (conflicting) Hoagy Carmichael, Sidney Arodin & Joe Poston OR Earl Hines & Jimmie Noone (1928)
‘Fidgety Feet’ – Nick LaRocca & Larry Shields (1919)
‘You’ – Walter Donaldson & Harold Adamson (1935)
‘Oh! Daddy Blues’ – Ed Herbert and William Russell (1921)
‘It’s A Sin To Tell A Lie’ – Billy Mayhew (1936 ‘All Of Me’ – Gerald Marks & Seymour Simons (1931)
‘Louisiana’ – (m) James Johnson, (l) Andy Razaf & Bob Schaefer (1928)
‘Organ Grinder Blues’ – Clarence Williams (1928)
‘Down Hearted Blues’ – (m) Lovie Austin, (l) Alberta Hunter (1922)

Tony Pitt’s All Stars, 18/10/2013

TONY PITT’S ALL STARS ‘blew everybody minds’ here at Farnborough Jazz Club on 18th October 2013TONY (banjo) obtained those brilliant stars, DENNY ILETT on trumpet, ADRIAN COX on clarinet, DAVE HEWITT on trombone, PETE ‘Dave’ BAKER on double bass and JOHN ELLMER on drums.  Howzat!  I said last week that we were definitely in for an exciting evening of jazz.  What an understatement!  I have to tell you they were so much more than brilliant, well Ken in the audience said to me, and I quote “There is only one word for it, matchless!  Then he said” unbelievable”, that’s two words Ken.  Tony chose to put this line-up together for the first time and pretty amazing they were.  I will not decry the previous bands or line-ups, but together were certainly among the crème de la crème.  Those of you who witnessing the evening, please post your comments on our website.  It would show my darling Keith (who is a Luddite) that you ARE reading these newsletters.  Hmmm, are you?  Just in case you are reading this, let me remind you of some of the numbers played.  They started the evening with that rip-roaring number called ‘Jazz Me Blues’.  Not sure why it should have been called a blues, it is such a happy number.  ‘Original Dixieland One Step’ had brilliant solos.  First solo by Adrian was incredible, but then each in turn came Denny, Dave and then John (all incredible too), all backed by Pete and Tony – fantastic.  Denny sang the next number ‘When Somebody Thinks You’re Wonderful’ loved by plenty of dancers.  Adrian sang the next couple of songs ‘Nobody Loves You When You’re Down and Out’ and ‘The Curse of the Aching Heart’ (nearly fainted dancing to it – hmmm getting old – who said that!).  ‘Panama Rag’ was another amazing number (I didn’t want them to stop playing it), followed by another old standard called ‘When You and I were young Maggie’.  I managed to film next couple of numbers.  The filming is very dark (club atmosphere) and the music is never as good as being there ‘live’, but still great for a memory boost.  First number captured was ‘Shimmy Like my Sister Kate’, sung by Adrian. Then ‘Bad Penny Blues’ featured Denny on trumpet, he also sang, plus played mouth piece only, what a talent. Then came ‘Blue Turning Grey Over You’, ‘South Rampart Street Parade’ and ‘When the Saints Go Marching In’.  There was plenty of dancing throughout the evening and that says it all, so don’t be shy if you want to join us and enjoy yourselves, it doesn’t matter how well or badly you can dance, we don’t watch you, were too busy dancing ourselves.  Of course all are welcome, don’t stay lonely at home, we have such fun.

Keep jazz ‘live’ in Farnborough!

Diane and Keith

N.B.  Sorry, still not able to download videos, it seems they are too long – I will try to find a way at a later date!

‘Bad Penny Blues’ – Humphrey Lyttelton (1956)
‘Blue, Turning Grey Over You’ – (m) Fats Waller, (l) Andy Razaf (1929)
‘Jazz Me Blues’ – Tom Delaney (1921)
‘Nobody Loves You When You’re Down and Out’ – Jimmy Cox (1923)
‘Original Dixieland One Step’ (First jazz record known as ‘Dixie Jass Band One Step’ by Original Dixieland Jazz Band (1917).  After court case – changed to ‘That Teasing Rag’ (ragtime song by Joe Jordon-1909)
‘Shimmy Like my Sister Kate’ – (composers?) © Clarence Williams & Armand Piron (1915)
‘South Rampart Street Parade’ – (m) Ray Bauduc & Bobby Haggart (1938), (l) Steve Allen (circa 1950)
‘The Curse of the Aching Heart’ – (m) Al Piantadosi, (l) Henri Fink (1913)
‘When Somebody Thinks You’re Wonderful’ – Harry M Woods (1935)
‘When the Saints Go Marching In’ – origins unknown (derived from (l) Katherine Purvis, (m) James Milton Black 1896) re-vamped & published 1927
‘When You and I were young Maggie’ – (m) James Butterfield (1866), (l) George W Johnson (1864) [derived from George Johnson’s poem (1820)]

Golden Eagle Jazz Band, 11/09/2013

GOLDEN EAGLE JAZZ BAND returned to Farnborough on Friday, 11 October 2013.  The band consisted of leader KEVIN SCOTT (tenor banjo, MIKE SCROXTON (trumpet), ALAN CRESSWELL (clarinet), ROY STOKES (trombone/vocals), MIKE BROAD (double bass) and PETE JACKMAN (drums).  I mentioned last week that I peeked into their website, to check name spellings (  – click on ‘Home-The Golden Eagle Jazz Band’).  I had forgotten we posted a comment to the band.    Most likely adapted from our own website, but temporarily lost, so you must check it out to remind yourselves of their first evening here!  I did say ‘You came, you played and you conquered’.  Well I have to say they did it again.  There was so much dancing going on, with so many smiling faces.  Well done again boys.  Anyhow, here is a smattering of some of the tunes played.  The first number I jotted down was ‘Isle of Capri’, a lovely tango, yes of course dancing took place.  Our line-dancing was enjoyed with the next number called ‘I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream’ sung by Kevin.  The next number ‘In the Sweet By and By’ was sung by Roy.  It has such a happy beat, so once again plenty of dancing.  Dancing continued to take place with ‘One Sweet Letter from You’, which again was sung by Kevin.  That lovely number made famous by Harry James & Frank Sinatra, which again brought on the dancers, was ‘Ciriciribin’.  Next came ‘I Thank You Mr Moon’ which was sung by Kevin.  He is marvellous on the ‘mike’, introducing the tunes and telling short funny jokes.  However, I must tell you of the weirdest of things when he introduced the next number called ‘Smile, Darn you, Smile’.  Before they started playing it, Kevin mentioned W.C. Fields and told us one of his famous many quotes.  By sheer coincidence, I was working on the internet that morning, ‘hit’ on W.C. Fields somewhere, saw this actual quote and read it out to Keith.  W.C. Fields had a wicked sense of humour!  The quote was ‘Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.’ (Kevin emulated WCF’s voice too).  How weird is that, for Kevin to choose that particular quote, there must be billions of quotes over time, from all of history’s characters from all 4 corners of the world (dom dom dom dom)!  To continue … the next number was also sung by Kevin, called ‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’.  Of course the audience naturally sang, plus again there was plenty of dancing going on.  I filmed their last two numbers, which were ’Collegiate’ and ‘Walking with the King’. ‘Collegiate was a new one on me.  I found out it was written back in the 1920’s by a couple of students.  They had not set up a copywrite, but had been playing it on campus with their own band ‘Jaffe’s Collegians’.  Fred Waring was booked to play at their Uni’s Annual Ball and was requested to play it.  When he heard of the students, he met up with them and set about sorting their copywrite.  Then recording the song with his own band ‘Pennsylvanians’ in 1925, making it a hit number, reaching No 3. Hopefully, our recordings will be good enough to put both numbers on the website, because they were great to hear ‘live’.

Weather is pushing us into the winter months, so keep fit and well, so we can enjoy your company, especially at our Farnborough Jazz Club here in Kent.

Keep dancing!

Diane and Keith

‘Ciribiribin’ – (m) Harry James, (l) Jack Lawrence (1939) [based on melody by Alberto Pestalozza 1898]
’Collegiate’ – Moe Jaffe & Nat Bonx, students (1925)
‘In the Sweet By and By’ – Joseph Pilbrick Walker (1868)
‘I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream’ – Howard Johnson, Billy Moll&Robert King (1927)
‘Isle of Capri’ – (m) Wilhelm Grosz (aka Hugh Williams), (l) by Jimmy Kennedy (1934)
‘I Thank You, Mr. Moon’ – Abel Baer, Dolly Morse & Dave Oppenheim (1931)
‘It’s a Long Way to Tipperary’ – Jack Judge & Harry Williams (1912)
‘One Sweet Letter from You’ – (m) Harry Warren, (l) Lew Brown & Sidney Clare (1927)
‘Smile, Darn You, Smile’ – (m) Max Rich, (l) Charles O’Flynn & Jack Meskell (1931)
‘Walking with the King’ – pop gospel, origins unknown.

ChezChestermanBandBrothers 4/10/13

CHEZ CHESTERMAN’S BAND OF BROTHERS appeared at Farnborough Jazz Club, Kent on Friday, 4th October 2013.  Trumpeter CHEZ, was joined by JOHN CROCKER (clarinet & sax), JOHN FINCH (trombone), JIM DOUGLAS (guitar), TERRY LEWIS (double bass) and BILL FINCH (drums).   Last week, I said you cannot go wrong with great names such as these and I said to get your butts down here and enjoy a fabulous evening.  I also said that If you know anything about jazz, you will know there will be plenty of top class entertainment in store for you to dance the night away and I was right, so let me tell you how it went.  The first number I noted was ‘High Society’.  I adore that number and of course the film.  It is just such a happy number. Then came ‘Heart of My Heart’ (sung by Chez) and ‘Breeze’, a lovely old standard, but cannot find out who wrote it, so will return to update there.  Chez also sang ‘Dinah’, with John C playing sax, oh what musician aye?  The next number was a beautiful Acker Bilk oldie called ‘Goodnight, Sweet Prince’.  John C was with Chris Barber’s Band and when Acker guested with them, John and he would share the spot on clarinet.  I must ask John if he did to this number, it isn’t played that often – mores the pity (Chez tells me the Danish band ‘Papa Bue’s Viking Jazz Band’ introduced it to England).  The next tune ‘Down by the Riverside’, was sung by our audience (with Chez joining in – seriously, of course it was the other way round).  ‘Weary Blues’ is a brilliant up-tempo tune (not depicting its title) and was/is marvellous to dance to.  John F was featured with the next number ‘I Can’t Believe That You’re in Love with me’ and brilliantly too.  The last number I noted was ‘Careless Love’.  This was made famous by Buddy Bolden, played at a jaunty tempo, good for slower jiving to.  To end this evening’s write-up, I must talk about Terry Lewis.  He was playing this evening, but we know him from way back before the club house was extended.  Do any of you remember George Howden and his Hotshots appeared here, with three (one being Terry) of his six piece band?  The other three had gone to Farnborough in Hampshire!  Realising they were in the wrong place, they turned around and made their way back to us in Kent.  They walked in (about 9.45pm) to a huge cheer and stepped up without a break to play their hearts out, that’s musicians for you.  Lovely memories.


Diane and Keith

P.S. Chez’s Band is back at Welling 1st Sunday of the month from. 3rd November 2013.

‘Breeze’ – to be updated
‘Careless Love’ – W.C. Handy (©1921) Obscure origins (first association – Buddy Bolden Band (circa 1890’s)
‘Dinah’ – (m) Harry Akst, (l) Sam M. Lewis & Joe Young (1923)
‘Down By the Riverside’ – Gospel song (first published 1918)
‘Goodnight, Sweet Prince’ – Gene Fowler, (Acker Bilk 1960)
‘Heart of My Heart’ – Ben Ryan (1926)
‘High Society’ – (m & l) Cole Porter (1956) (& additional l) Susan Birkenhead
‘I Can’t Believe that You’re in Love With Me’ – (m) Clarence Gaskill (l) Jimmy McHugh (1925)
‘Weary Blues’ – (m) Artie Matthews, (l) George Cates & Mort Green (1915)

Mike Barry’s XXL Jazz Band, 27/09/2013

MIKE BARRY’S XXL JAZZ BAND, returned here at Farnborough Jazz Club on Friday, 27th September 2013.  Leader and trumpeter Mike had a bad time getting to us due to his new car not starting, but you would never had known it!  He proudly introduced his band as reeds player GOFF DUBBER, trombonist REX O’DELL, pianist TIM HUSKISSON, double bassist ROGER CURPHEY and drummer PAUL BUDD.  As mentioned last week, they are certainly a swinging, fun filled lot and the evening went well.  Mike reminds me of Paul Whiteman and certainly should have been as successful.  I hope Mike doesn’t take exception to me saying this, because I’m not sure why I think so, especially as PW only played violin/viola.  Maybe I feel he should have played trumpet, being a band leader!  We had some lovely numbers played for us, such as ‘I Wanna Say Hello’, ‘The Jazz Me Blues’, ‘River, Stay Away From My Door’ (which was sung by Mike) and ‘Riverboat Shuffle’.  I just loved how the next number ‘Georgia on My Mind’ was sung up-tempo by Rex, and Mike gave a marvellous rendition on trumpet too.  I jotted down that everyone played wonderful solos especially Roger, to the following number ‘If My Friends Could See Me Now’, (Shirley MacLean’s song in film ‘Sweet Charity’).  It certainly lured the dancers out. They also played ‘Brown Skin Girl’, which was a great calypso number made famous by Harry Belafonte.  I just love a calypso.  Another dance and (I‘m sure you can guess) audience participation occurred with ‘Everybody Loves Saturday Night’, great fun.  The next number to mention was the brilliant feature of Tim.  He played ‘You Took Advantage of Me’, which showed his massive talent (his other hat is as a fabulous clarinettist).  Our line-dancing occurred next with ‘Dr Jazz’.  I always ‘play up’ continuing with the Charleston, which sometimes ‘throws’ the other liners (just for a bit of fun).  Well thank you Mike and gang, we had a small crowd, but we all enjoyed ourselves.  They are back 29th November 2013, so make a note in your diaries and let’s give them a bigger welcome with a larger audience please.

Keep Happy.

Diane and Keith


‘Brown Skin Girl’ – Norman (‘King Radio’) Spann (1940)
‘Dr Jazz’ – Joe ‘King’ Oliver & Walter Melrose (1926)
‘Everybody Loves Saturday Night’ – Nigerian Folk (made famous Aldwyn ‘Kitch’ Roberts (1940’s)
‘Georgia on My Mind’ – (m) Hoagy Carmichael, (l) Stuart Gorrell (1930)
‘If My Friends Could See Me Now’ – (m) Cy Coleman, (l) Dorothy Fields (1966)
‘I Wanna Say Hello’ – (m) Jimmy McDonald, (l) Jack Hoffman (1051)
‘Riverboat Shuffle’ – (m) Hoagy Carmichael, (l) Irving Mills, Mitchell Parish & Dick Voynow (1924)
‘River Stay Away From My Door’ – Mort Dixon & Harry Woods (1931)
‘The Jazz Me Blues’ – Tom Delaney (1921)
‘You Took Advantage of Me’ – (m) Richard Rodgers, (l) Lorenz Hart (1928)