Category Archives: Sussex Jazz Kings

Sussex Jazz Kings, Friday 2nd November 2018

Taken from Sussex Jazz Kings’ website, (LtoR) Iain McAualay (trombone), Peter Clancy (bass&sousa), band leader Dave Stradwick (trumpet), Paul Sealey (banjo), Bernard Stutt (clarinet) and Pete Lay (drums).

Yes, it’s SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS playing here at our FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB (Kent) tonight, Friday 2nd November 2018.  I know, I’m late again, but for your info, they are band leader DAVE STRADWICK on trumpet, BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, with IAIN McAUALAY on trombone, plus PETE LAY on drums, PETER CLANCY on bass&sousa and PAUL SEALEY on banjo (10yrs with the great Chris Barber’s band) and they are sure to entertain you with their enthusiasm and gusto.  See you tonight – 8:00pm start.  You’ll be ‘keeping jazz live’.

Your jazz hosts, Diane and Keith

Sussex Jazz Kings, Friday 27th JULY 2018

Photos to follow!!!!!!!

I seem to be letting this lovely hot weather get to me, I have just remembered I haven’t let you know who is in the band tonight (27th July 2018)! Band leader and trumpet player DAVE STRADWICK is back on form after his severe illness last year, not forgetting his accident last Christmas. What a trouper aye, both he and Lesley are a hard act to beat – so much spunk aye. The band members have stuck by Dave & Lesley and kept things strong too. DAVE will be back on trumpet and of course with him will be BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, IAIN McAUALAY on trombone, PETE LAY on drums, PETER CLANCY on bass and although we all know banjoist PAUL SEALEY (10yrs with Chris Barber’s band), I think it is the first time we have seen him play with Dave’s band here at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent).  We have managed to keep the club house cool, keeping the doors and windows open, so ‘wake yourselves up from your armchairs’, come join us and have some fun with ‘SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS’ …… and your hosts
Diane & Keith (the Granties)

Sussex Jazz Kings, Friday 22nd December 2017

It’s our Christmas Party at the FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB, here in Kent again and the date is FRIDAY 22ND DECEMBER 2017 (£15 entrance on the night).  We have our old favourites, DAVE STRADWICK’S SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS to play for us.  Trumpet player & vocalist, DAVE (as most of you know) has been so unwell, but after treatment, was still hoping to get along to do this gig, Now the silly man has fallen over and broken his hip, so will not be joining us (Oh Dave, how could you do that to us! Really!)  Anyway, he has his usual band members all holding the fort, being BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, IAIN McAUALAY on trombone, PETE LAY on drums, PETER CLANCY on bass and KEVIN SCOTT on banjo, guitar &vocals!  Dave has replaced himself with TONY KARAVIS who will carry the torch – well a trumpet looks a bit like a torch, doesn’t it.  Of course, it’s not Dave I’m worried about, it’s Leslie !!!!!!

Sussex Jazz KIngs at Farnborough JC Sept2016

Hey, at the party, you can bring your own food – and candelabras if you want.  Also, It is to be fancy dress, (optional).  If you want to, but can’t think what to dress up in, I have suggested you could all come as Groucho Marx – black trousers, a moustache, a pretend cigar and you could write down a couple of one liners you might like to say to fellow partygoers!  Of course the jazz will be the main thing, the lads will do us proud, I’m sure.  All are welcome, but if you can let us know you’re coming beforehand, it will help to make the evening go smoothly (01689-603299).  Thanks.

Meanwhile, let’s all think positive thoughts and send some good wishes winging their way towards Dave’s direction (Horsham) for a speedy recovery & a happy Christmas to him & Leslie, they could do with a bit of luck wished them right now.

Plus CHRISTMAS EVE – don’t forget our Sunday gig too, ‘4-IN-A-BAR+1’.  We play lovely ‘Smooth Dinner Jazz’ (you know all the old standards) at YE OLDE WHYTE LYON, LOCKS BOTTOM, Kent this SUNDAY, 24TH DECEMBER 2017, 3:00PM-6:00PM,  The musicians are  JOHN LEE (tenor), TIM HUSKISSON (piano), ROGER CURPHEY (double bass), with KEITH GRANT (drums) and DIANE, singing a few songs.  (usually the last Sunday of each month).  Treat yourself and book a roast lunch (Tel: 01689-852631) served between 12:00 & 5:00pm.  Last time everyone loved the music, with many enjoying Sunday roast. This delightful Shepherd Neame pub (dated 1626) is situated in Locks Bottom, BR6 8NE, next door to Sainsbury’s & PRU Hospital. Sainsbury’ parking has changed on Sundays £2 ‘til 4:00pm (refundable for goods Sainsbury’s) with a walk-thru to pub at far right corner (if you face Sainsbury’s front).  NOTE:  IT’S  NOT THE LAST SUNDAY THIS TIME, AS THEY ARE CLOSED THAT AFTERNOON –  IN READINESS FOR A NEW YEAR’S EVE EVENING!  WE SHALL BE BACK ON 28TH JANUARY 

Your hosts for all this ‘live jazz’

Are the Granties Diane & Keith

Merry Christmas everyone and A Happy, Healthy New Year TOO. 




Sussex Jazz Kings play at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. (LtoR) Iain MCaulay (trombone), Pete Clancy (d.bass), Dave Stradwick (trumpet) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) (hidden are Pete Lay on drums and Phil Durrell on banjo). Photo by Mike Witt.

Tonight, Friday 21st July 2017, we have old favourites, DAVE STRADWICK’S SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS to play for us.  Trumpet player&vocalist, DAVE has his usual band members BERNARD STUTT (clarinet), IAIN McAUALAY (trombone), PETE LAY (drums), PETER CLANCY (bass) and KEVIN SCOTT(banjo,guitar&vocals).   Keyboard not working, so no more words, just be there! Thanks.

Diane & Keith

Sussex Jazz Kings, 27th January 2017


Sussex Jazz KIngs at Farnborough JC Sept2016

SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS celebrate a belated Burn’s Night at FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB THIS FRIDAY, 27th JANUARY 2017 – be there – please!  Perhaps wear something Scottish.  I was so worried when we had that thick fog.  Was that to be another cancellation?  It was so dense (15-30yds) all day yesterday (Wednesday) and was supposedly threatened to be with us for a few days. Yippee – NO, it’s gone and we can have those fabulous boys back to give us our weekly Feed of Farnborough Fun.   DAVE STRADWICK (trumpeter) tells me he has IAIN MCAULAY on trombone, BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, KEVIN SCOTT on banjo, PETER CLANCY on d.bass & sousaphone and PETE LAY on drums.  So we start at 8:00pm till 11:00pm.  All are welcome.  I certainly need my slimming exercises by way of dancing – ha!

Keep jazz ‘live’ by supporting your local jazz club.

Diane and Keith

P.S.  Sorry to have no newsletter updates (or photos) in a while – I’ll try to catch up soon, but too many personal commitments at the moment.

Sussex Jazz Kings, 23rd September 2016

We’ve got the SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS, who are great fun and will certainly ensure you make whoopee at the FARNBOROUGH JAZZ CLUB, this Friday, 23rd September 2016.  These guys are great favourites of everyone and are leader DAVE STRADWICK on trumpet,  IAIN MCAULAY on trombone, BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, KEVIN SCOTT on banjo, PETER CLANCY on d.bass &sousaphone and PETE LAY on drums.  So we start at 8:00pm till 11:00pm.  All are welcome.  Plenty of dancing will be the order of the evening.

Your hosts,

Diane and Keith

Sussex Jazz Kings, 29th April 2016

The SUSSEX JAZZ KINGS appeared at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016 and some super jazz, along with dancing and laughter were in evidence.  Leader, DAVE STRADWICK, trumpet, had booked his regular players, IAIN MCAULAY on trombone, BERNARD STUTT on clarinet, PHIL DURELL on banjo, PETER CLANCY on d.bass &sousaphone and PETE LAY on drums.  I had suggested you get your butts down to ‘Farnborough Friday’ and get swinging, but forgot it was May Bank Holiday weekend, so many of you obviously had family commitments, although we still had a nice little crowd and another evening was enjoyed.

Front liners are Iain MCaulay (trombone), band leader Dave Stradwick (trumpet) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) and engine are Pete Clancy-hidden (d.bass), Pete Lay (drums) and Phil Durrell (banjo) all playing as Sussex Jazz Kings for all at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Front liners are Iain MCaulay (trombone), band leader Dave Stradwick (trumpet) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) and engine are Pete Clancy-hidden (d.bass), Pete Lay (drums) and Phil Durrell (banjo) all playing as Sussex Jazz Kings for all at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

They started ‘right in’ with that happy jaunty tune, ‘Algiers Strut’.  Welcome back boys.  They followed on with a super Duke Ellington number, ‘Saratoga Swing’, with some wonderful solos played by everyone.  Dave remarked we had cheated doing our line-dance to the next one.  He had already stated that as we are getting older (what?), he doubted we would be able to dance to it – or if even the band could play it, but we all coped well (band too, ha) with ‘Isle of Capri’, made famous by Ken Colyer.  I have to say, us line-dancers were breathing fast on returning to our seats (who said that!!!!!!)  Now I have another beautiful voice to mention, this being Iain’s.  He sang one of Fats Waller’s numbers, ‘Everybody Loves My Baby’ and what a super job he made of it.

Iain MCaulay plays trombone with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Iain MCaulay plays trombone with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016.     Photo by Mike Witt.

Pete Lay plays drums for Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Pete Lay plays drums for Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.



Pete Clancy plays double bass with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016.   Photo by Mike Witt.

Pete Clancy plays double bass with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Iain MCaulay plays trombne and Pete Clancy plays Sousaphone for Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Iain MCaulay plays trombne and Pete Clancy plays Sousaphone for Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

My next mention is of Pete’s feature on Sousaphone.  What a lovely instrument and he played it splendidly to ‘Big Butter and Egg Man’.  Although a lovely one to dance to, we held back and listened instead.   The next tune was such a romantic one, ‘The Miller’s Daughter, Marianne’, sung by Iain so beautifully too.  (Just a little bit of extra info, this song must surely have been written for the daughter of Sir Thomas Miller, 6th Baronet of Froyle, Hampshire, although she died in 1910 and the song was written much later in 1936.  If I am right, I’m sure she must have been involved with the composers and left a lasting impression on them in some way, anybody know?  It is a shame our own Marianne was not at the club (bank holiday commitments), but I will tell her about the number!

Bernard Stutt (clarinet) featured, accompanied by Pete Clancy (vocals & d.bass, Pete Lay (drums) and Phil Durrell (banjo) in Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Bernard Stutt (clarinet) featured, accompanied by Pete Clancy (vocals & d.bass), Pete Lay (drums) and Phil Durrell (banjo) in Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Bernard was featured next with a special tune ‘If we never meet again’, such a lovely tune and sung by Pete (C), who also has another great jazz voice.  The tune was made famous by Elvis.  Oh yes Dave, what a great feature came next and it was yours (Iain said you had decided to play it especially for Farnborough!)  Well Dave, I think you played it even faster than Humphrey – loved him and loved you!  The number?  ‘Bad Penny Blues’ of course, superbly backed by your own engine boys, Pete (C), Pete (L) and Phil, fantastic.

Sussex Jazz Kings play at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. (LtoR) Iain MCaulay (trombone), Pete Clancy (d.bass), Dave Stradwick (trumpet) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) (hidden are Pete Lay on drums and Phil Durrell on banjo). Photo by Mike Witt.

Sussex Jazz Kings play at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. (LtoR) Iain MCaulay (trombone), Pete Clancy (d.bass), Dave Stradwick (trumpet) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) (hidden are Pete Lay on drums and Phil Durrell on banjo). Photo by Mike Witt.

Phil Durrell (banjo) and Pete Lay (drums) with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

Phil Durrell (banjo) and Pete Lay (drums) with Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club (Kent) on 29th April 2016. Photo by Mike Witt.

It was Phil’s turn to be featured and he played ‘Mabel’s Dreams’.  Thanks Phil, you did it a treat.  (I have to confess, I know a huge amount of  tunes, but I’m sure like many of you, I don’t know too many titles!  Thanks to Mick Collins, who sits near to me, I am able to double check with him of a name!)  Finally, Dave made a special mention to his lovely wife, Lesley.  He said she works extremely hard sorting gigs for them etc., and he dedicated their last number to her (renaming it accordingly), ‘My Wild Reigate Rose’ – nice this photo captured her too.  Well done Lesley – where would men be without their ladies?  Once again, thanks to the ‘Kings’, it was nice to have you back at Farnborough.

Dave Stradwick (trumpet), Pete Lay (drums), Phil Durell (banjo) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) in Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Seated right - at table is band organiser Lesley Stradwick with Heather Lay. Photo by Mike Witt.

Dave Stradwick (trumpet), Pete Lay (drums), Phil Durell (banjo) and Bernard Stutt (clarinet) in Sussex Jazz Kings at Farnborough Jazz Club on 29th April 2016. Seated right – at table is band organiser Lesley Stradwick with Heather Lay. Photo by Mike Witt.

‘Live’ jazz is best,

Your hosts, Diane and Keith

‘Algiers Strut’ – Glen Moore & Seger Ellis (1948)
‘Bad Penny Blues’ – Humphrey Lyttelton (1956)
‘Big Butter and Egg Man’ – Percy Venable (1926)
‘Everybody Loves My Baby’ – (m) Spencer Williams, (l) Jack Palmer (1924)
‘If we never meet again’ – Albert E. Brumley (1946)
‘Isle of Capri’ – (m) Wilhelm Grosz (aka Hugh Williams), (l) by Jimmy Kennedy (1934)
‘Mabel’s Dream’ – Ike Smith (1923) (King Oliver)
‘Miller’s Daughter, Marianne’ – Jimmy Kennedy & Marty Grosz (1936)
‘My Wild Irish Rose’ – Chancellor Chauncey Olcot (1899)           (‘Reigate’ for Lesley)
‘Saratoga Swing’ – Duke Ellington (1929)


Following photo – pinched from their own website – Sussex Jazz Kings.

pp6551b614 dave stradwick (2)